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Member of Parliament confirms the UK will sign up to WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

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Last week, Mark Fletcher, Member of Parliament for Bolsover, responded to a constituent’s email:

“Then Prime Minister Boris Johnson, alongside other world leaders, called for the creation of a pandemic treaty … the current target date for agreeing on the text of the new instrument is May 2024, at the World Health Assembly (WHA) … Over the next year, the UK will continue to work towards building a consensus on how the global community can better prevent, prepare for, and respond to future pandemics,” he wrote.

Fletcher’s reply implies that it is not only a fait accompli but that the UK is very much one of the significant, if not the major, driving forces behind the Treaty. 

Many things can be said about Fletcher’s response, not least of all his questionable statement: “A pandemic treaty [ ] would help … prevent a global pandemic, if this were to happen again.”   However, in this article, we want to draw your attention, again, to the fact that the Pandemic Treaty is not the only route WHO is pursuing in its quest to impose a global health dictatorship.  And, at this time, the Pandemic Treaty is the less urgent of the evils.

We have included a copy of Fletcher’s response at the end of this article.

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Two weeks ago, in response to a petition, a debate was held in Westminster Hall on the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) proposed Pandemic Treaty.  As the petition and the parliamentary debate had done, many are focusing on the ratification of the ‘Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Accord’, the so-called “Pandemic Treaty.”  However, there are two routes through which WHO is attempting to impose a global health dictatorship. One is the Pandemic Treaty and the other is the amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”).

The two proposals aim to expand an international bureaucracy for health emergencies with an additional annual budget estimated by the World Bank at three times WHO’s current budget. This program is heavily backed by WHO’s major individual and corporate sponsors – entities that will directly benefit through the commodity-centred responses that are proposed.

Why is WHO following two routes and not just one?  Because if power and authority over much of the world cannot be gained through amendments to the IHR then WHO will rely on its Pandemic Treaty.

The proposed amendments to the IHR are a completely different set of proposals to the Pandemic Treaty that will not need to be signed into being by any government.  For the amendments to be adopted all that is required is a simple majority of the World Health Assembly (“WHA”). WHA can adopt regulations that are legally binding on WHO Member States unless they expressly reject them or “opt out.” The participation of national legislatures or other governmental bodies is not necessary.  The Pandemic Treaty, on the other hand, will require a two-thirds majority of the Member States present and voting in the Assembly for it to be adopted.

It is the proposed amendments to the IHR, wholly or in part, that could be adopted at the next WHA meeting in May 2023. Failing that, the IHR amendments could be adopted at the subsequent WHA meeting in May 2024; when the text of the Pandemic Treaty is scheduled to be agreed by Member States.

After reading the draft amendments to the IHR it becomes obvious that the proposed new powers sought by WHO, and the pandemic preparedness industry being built around it, are not hidden. The only subterfuge is the farcical approach of corporate media and politicians in many nations who seem to pretend that the proposals do not exist.

Further reading:

Reject WHO’s Proposals

On 13 April, the World Council for Health (“WCH”) issued a policy brief urging the rejection of some of the submitted amendments to the IHR and WHO’s draft pandemic treaty to counter the monopolisation of global health.

“The IHR amendments, if approved, would unduly enhance the powers of the WHO and thus the special interests that exert significant influence over the organisation vis-à-vis states and non-state actors – raising serious questions with regards to state sovereignty and the future of governance. Some amendments represent a framework for the illegitimate exercise of global governmental power without popular accord, constitutional control mechanisms or accountability. As such, they create a dangerous precedent if passed,” WCH’s expert group wrote.

The group added: “The pandemic treaty, if adopted, would create a new, cost-intensive supranational bureaucracy and impose an ideological framework under which to operate in matters of global health. This ideological framework includes support for gain-of-function research with pandemic potential pathogens (PPPs) – despite a human-engineered virus likely being the cause of the covid pandemic that led to the death of about 6.8 million people – and encourages a globally coordinated effort to counter dissent from the official WHO line.”

Melissa Fleming, Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, stated the following belief at a 2022 World Economic Forum meeting in Davos: “We own the science and we think that the world should know it.”

The WCH policy expert group issues a stark warning that any undue concentration of power in the hands of a few or a supranational body without a popular mandate, accountability and constitutional control mechanisms to restrain it, by nature, leads to abuse of power, undermines and compromises democratic processes, corrupts science, curtails choice, suffocates competing solutions, thereby reducing quality and innovation, and enables control over the flow of information as well as stifling of dissent.

The WCH expert group also points to the fact that the WHO is a compromised organisation that only controls about a quarter of its own budget. The rest are earmarked contributions from a few high-income states and powerful private interest groups. Handing more power to the WHO, at this point, equals handing more, not less power to the special national and corporate interests that have impeded effective responses to global health emergencies in the past.

WCH Issues Policy Brief to Counter the WHO’s Monopolisation of Global Health, World Council for Health, 13 April 2023

After reading the WCH’s policy brief, and/or some of the resources we noted earlier in our article, read Fletcher’s reply below and decide for yourself whether Fletcher represents: his constituents and UK citizens’ interests; or, supranational and corporate interests.

Response from Mark Fletcher MP

Mark Fletcher, Member of Parliament for Bolsover, 25 April 2023

Thank you for your email regarding the World Health Organisation and the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty. In March 2021, then Prime Minister Boris Johnson, alongside other world leaders, called for the creation of a pandemic treaty that would help organise and streamline future efforts to prevent a global pandemic, if this were to happen again.

The current target date for agreeing on the text of the new instrument is May 2024 at the World Health Assembly (WHA). This is made up of representatives of World Health Organization [sic] Member States, including the UK.

Over the next year, the UK will continue to work towards building a consensus on how the global community can better prevent, prepare for, and respond to future pandemics and will actively shape, develop and negotiate the text.

It must be noted that no treaty can bind future Governments to act under the authority of a non-governmental organisation. Parliament is, and will always remain, sovereign and retains its right to control all decisions taken in the UK. The signing of this treaty will not mean that the UK loses control of its own laws or decision-making powers.

While I understand that some people are concerned about the effects that the signing of this treaty will have, I believe that many of these concerns are not well-founded and do not accurately represent what this treaty will entail. This is an important step in ensuring the safety of the public both in the UK and around the world.

Thank you again for taking the time to email me. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Signed Mark Fletcher

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1 year ago

While I understand that some people are concerned about the effects that the signing of this treaty will have, I believe that many of these concerns are not well-founded and do not accurately represent what this treaty will entail. This is an important step in ensuring the safety of the public both in the UK and around the world.”

Well Mr Fletcher, a fully paid up member of the Robin Day “Here today, gone tomorrow” Worthless Politician Society, your “belief” is 100% not ever going to be good enough. What are you prepared to submit as collateral to ensure your “belief” never happens? I suggest that “We, The People” place a lien over all your assets, including any that you transfer away to your family or Trusts, and taxpayer funded DB pension that if future matters show you to have been in anyway wrong, misguided or incorrect irrespective of intention or not, you will lose the whole shebang. Care to reconsider your “belief” now?

Reply to  186no
1 year ago

Bang on 186.. All those in favour of this treaty should do the same and either PUT UP or SHUT UP!

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
Reply to  186no
1 year ago

‘fehl RTPM racketeer’ is an anagram of Mark Peter Fletcher, his full name.So are

hr pfc telemarketer
chem flatterer perk
eft Khmer prerectal
Mr letch fart keeper

Wikipedia says”Fletcher is openly gay. He is married to Will Knock.”

Will Knock eh? One could hardly make this up. Anyway, I am not surprised at his statements.

He replaced Dennis Skinner who was known as the Beast of Bolsover, the constituency in Derbyshire.

So I think we can put Mark down as the new Beast of Bolsover. Or Given these insane end times, Mark of the Beast (Bolsover Variant)!

1 year ago

He who pays the Piper. calls the tune: Google: Pfizer-DominicanRepublic-Vaccine-Term-Sheet-19Jan2021. A Dual language copy of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, secret contract, for vaccines for an explanation of the contract contents, which applies to your country.
Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt (I use shop bought, Iodine based, table salt) in a mug of clean cold or warm water, cup a hand and pour in some solution, sniff or snort the entire contents up your nose, in small doses, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If a burning sensation, then you have a virus in your nasal passages, behind your eyes, in the escutcheon tubes to your inner ears, brain bulb, brain stem (hence Long Covid) so wait until burning stops (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night, or more often if you want for a quicker result, until it feels like you are flushing with water – job done. 
The 5 day isolation, is when the Coronavirus transmutes to Covid in your head, passed down into your body in the one liter of snot we each produce daily, the engine oil of the body, in my opinion – a vaccine in your arm is not going to heal a Coronavirus in your head, nor the residue after a Covid type flu has passed, in your head, is it?

1 year ago

I don’t know what they are feeding these MPs but it seems only a couple of them are not eating at the canteen. Democracy is dead, not enough characters to stand up and speak truth. It really is like watching bleating sheep. Alternative government required or total de-centralisation.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

Certainly, “localisation” is the answer, I grant you that! for “globalisation” will usher in the coming antichrist.
But, where on the ballot sheet are we given the choice you mention?!
I haven’t voted in any election for over 20 years.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

As I live on a small island off a much larger island in the Outer Hebrides; it is but a “lifestyle choice” for me. But what is “politics” exactly? From where I am sitting, I see nothing but God dishonouring lies, deceit, chicanery, double dealing-oh and look up the ongoing Scottish island ferry fiasco! This is where our ‘wonderful’ democracy has brought us! The cancellations holiday let owners (including me) are now getting beggars belief! Are things going to improve in the short term? I trow not! I was born and raised in a city, was full on into the rat race until I heard and believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ back in 2001.

Your readers (or some of them at any rate) ought to be aware that The Powers That Be are making the “choices” for us! (You know this?).They are corralling us into pens, yet even ‘educated’ men and women are still blinded to this fact!

Even up here, “local issues” are anything but-decided by “centralised government”. They want to ban fishing! How mad is this!!!! I could go on-oh! how I hate the modern use of that word SUSTAINABILITY!

1 year ago

This is high treason! Handing our sovereignty over to an unelected communist organisation!

Reply to  mgofhg
1 year ago

I agree. And when push comes to shove, and it will happen sooner than later, we will have to stand up in mass and tell them to go to hell. This government belongs to the WEF and they are selling us out every day.
Eventually we will have to shout the word NO and bring them down. Our democracy has gone, it was taken away the day this country agreed to go into Lockdown and stay in it and then we agreed to the tier system.
We have walked into communism like sheep into a pen and the gate closed behind us.

1 year ago

i think we should start campaigning against these mps who ignore the people who vote them into office. just start by simple street talking word of mouth showing facts about these moron practitioners who are back hand paid by globalists to screw over the people for a quick buck.

1 year ago

[…] Skal man dømme efter Underhuset i England, er der højst en hæderlig politiker for hver 650. Han bliver her interviewet i Kroatien (han er serbisk gift, men det er på engelsk) og svarer på, hvad hans kolleger tænker, for det ved han om nogen. De tror, at jo længere der går uden at de får ansvaret for massemord, desto mindre er risikoen. Det mener han ikke den er, og han ser lige igennem deres elendige, feje motiver. Interviewet varer kun 30 minutter, resten er vist Stavanger og dernæst fra parlamentet. Desværre får hædersmanden Bridgen næppe noget ud af sin hæderlighed: Member of Parliament confirms the UK will sign up to WHO’s Pandemic Treaty. […]

1 year ago

Well they did do so well with Covid. Going against decades of science and championing dystopian lockdowns and mandatory mask wearing. Both having negligible impact on Covid but having devastating impact on economies and society. All this for an illness no worse than seasonal flu.

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
Reply to  biggrump
1 year ago

No worse than the seasonal ‘flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma and others. As to what the ‘flu is this might interest you.

1 year ago

BRITISH MUST ERADICATE THE PARLIAMENT OF ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE; EXCEPT IT’S IMPOSSIBLE WHEN THEY’RE BEING LED BY ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE OWNING THE W.H.O. led by Jeremy Farrar as the ‘Royal Institute’s International Foreign Affairs Committee of 300’s’ Rasputin for Tedros…Slave of Ding-a-Ling King Chuckie.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
1 year ago

Open in app or online
Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine Patent Horrors – Check your vaccine here
CCTCGGCGGGCACGTModerna patented their Covid-19 Neucloids virus in 2013CHRISTINE
APR 30

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Dave Owen
1 year ago

Just click onto the above, to see when C19 was devised.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Dave Owen
1 year ago

THEY ARE SPRAYING US LIKE BUGS (and how to stop it) (video)
Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Thursday, 4-May-2023 12:25:14

1 year ago

[…] Summit might say?  Do you get the impression the text of the ‘Pandemic Treaty’ is not being shaped, developed, and negotiated over the next year as Mark Fletcher, Member of Parliament for Bolsover, assured his constituent but rather that it has, for all intents […]

1 year ago

[…] might say?  Do you get the impression the text of the ‘Pandemic Treaty’ is not being shaped, developed and negotiated over the next year as Mark Fletcher, Member of Parliament for Bolsover, assured his constituent but rather that it has, for all intents […]

9 months ago

[…] ma pan wrażenie, że tekst „traktatu o pandemii” nie będzie kształtowany, rozwijany i negocjowany w ciągu najbliższego roku, jak zapewnił wyborca ​​Mark Fletcher, poseł do parlamentu z Bolsover, ale […]