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The Fatal Shot: Why the COVID Vaccine caused a Public Health Catastrophe and Millions of Excess Deaths

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Medicine Regulators have already admitted that COVID vaccination can cause damage to the heart muscle and lead to cardiovascular complications such as heart failure, myocarditis, or pericarditis.

But what they failed to tell the public in December 2020, is that scientists proved the spike protein, of which the Covid-19 vaccines instructs your cells to manufacture millions of, crosses the blood-brain barrier with potentially devastating consequences such as the potential to cause strokes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and a range of autoimmune disorders.

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While mRNA vaccines have been in development for years, they had never been used on a large scale in the general population prior to December 2020, when the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines were granted emergency use authorization by regulatory agencies.

This is in contrast to traditional vaccines, which typically use a weakened or inactivated form of a virus to trigger an immune response. Traditional vaccines have been used for many decades and have an alleged long track record of safety and efficacy.

The main factor that contributed to the delayed use of mRNA vaccines on a large scale prior to December 2020 is the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).

ADE is a phenomenon where a previous infection or vaccination can lead to a more severe form of the disease upon subsequent exposure. In the case of COVID-19, there were concerns that vaccination with an mRNA vaccine could trigger ADE and make the disease worse in people who were vaccinated.

Despite this, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, an mRNA injection that is supposedly designed to provide protection against the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, was granted Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) in early December 2020.

The injection works by using a small piece of the alleged virus’s genetic material, known as messenger RNA (mRNA), which instructs cells in your body to produce a piece of the virus called the spike (S) protein.

The spike protein then triggers an immune response, which teaches the immune system to recognize and fight the alleged virus if a person is later exposed to it.

However, just days after the Pfizer vaccine was granted Emergency Use Authorisation, several scientists published a study, on the 16th of December 2020, proving the S protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood-brain barrier in mice.

This is the very same protein that the Covid-19 injections instruct your cells to produce in the millions.

The potential consequences of this are devastating.

Here is a detailed explanation of the possible neurological and autoimmune complications that could result from the spike protein, produced by your cells following Covid-19 vaccination, crossing the blood-brain barrier in humans –

  1. Neuroinflammation: The immune response triggered by the spike protein in the brain could potentially cause inflammation and damage to brain tissue. This can lead to a range of neurological symptoms and complications, including:
  • Headache: A common symptom of neuroinflammation, headaches can range from mild to severe and can last for hours or days.
  • Dizziness: Neuroinflammation can also cause dizziness or vertigo, which is the sensation of spinning or feeling off-balance.
  • Confusion: In more severe cases, neuroinflammation can cause confusion or disorientation, making it difficult to think clearly or make decisions.
  • Seizures: Neuroinflammation can sometimes trigger seizures, which are sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain that can cause convulsions or loss of consciousness.
  1. Cerebrovascular disease: The spike protein could potentially cause damage to blood vessels in the brain, leading to a range of cerebrovascular diseases such as:
  • Stroke: A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked or reduced, causing brain damage and potentially permanent neurological complications.
  • Aneurysm: An aneurysm is a bulge or weakening in a blood vessel that can potentially rupture, causing a stroke or other complications.
  • Haemorrhage: A haemorrhage occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures, causing bleeding and potentially life-threatening complications.
  1. Neurodegenerative diseases: Prolonged exposure to the spike protein due to getting multiple Covid-19 injections could potentially lead to the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as:
  • Alzheimer’s disease: A progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behaviour, and is the most common cause of dementia in older adults.
  • Parkinson’s disease: A progressive brain disorder that affects movement, causing tremors, stiffness, and difficulty with coordination and balance.
  • Multiple sclerosis: A chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system, causing inflammation and damage to the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects nerve fibres.
  1. Autoimmune disorders: The immune response triggered by the spike protein could potentially cause autoimmune disorders, in which the immune system attacks healthy cells and tissues in the body. This can lead to a range of autoimmune disorders, including:
  • Lupus: A chronic autoimmune disease that can affect multiple organs and tissues in the body, causing inflammation, pain, and damage to the skin, joints, and other organs.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: A chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints, causing inflammation, pain, and damage to the cartilage and bones.
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome: A rare autoimmune disorder that affects the nerves, causing muscle weakness, tingling, and potentially life-threatening complications such as respiratory failure.

So now that we know this, we have several reasons that may explain why official UK Government data proves mortality rates per 100,000 are lowest among the unvaccinated in every single age group.

According to the Office for National Statistics, England and Wales suffered the highest number of excess deaths in over half a century in 2022. With a non-stop weekly rally of excess deaths since week 16 of 2022 equating to 62,543 excess deaths as of March 2023.

Driven by their ambition and a belief that they will not be held accountable for their actions, mainstream media reporters made the decision to conceal the truth surrounding this from the public. Possibly due to being instructed to by the Government.

They thought the British public would be too lazy to “mark their homework,” so to speak.

But they didn’t count on an independent news organisation, committed to reporting the facts that the mainstream media refuse to, fact-checking their quietly published article.

The BBC, the widely but most definitely unjustly trusted news source/propaganda arm of the UK government, and its reporters have knowingly lied about the safety of the Covid-19 vaccine and lied to the public.

They unequivocally stated that the Covid-19 vaccine was not responsible for a record-breaking year of death, providing a “source” to prove it. They claimed that figures up to June 2022, looking at deaths from all causes, showed unvaccinated people were more likely to die than vaccinated people.

Figures up to June 2022 looking at deaths from all causes show unvaccinated people were more likely to die than vaccinated people.’Source- BBC News

BBC News then went on to state that –

”If vaccines were driving excess deaths we would expect this to be the other way around.”Source- BBC News

The problem for BBC News is that ‘The Expose’ has been analyzing the source provided by a UK government institution known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS) for months on end.

And we can reveal that mortality rates per 100,000 in every single age group, even children, in England and Wales were lowest among the unvaccinated in some age groups as early as 2021, and lowest among the unvaccinated in all age groups by May 2022 at the latest.

The overdue updated report, finally published towards the end of February 2023, also confirms the unvaccinated had the lowest mortality rate per 100,000 throughout the whole of 2022.

Therefore, BBC News has not only lied to the public, but has also admitted in black and white that the Covid-19 injections are to blame for 2022 being the worst year for deaths in half a century by confirming –

”If vaccines were driving excess deaths we would expect this to be the other way around.”Source- BBC News

The moral of this story is always to check the official source, specifically table 2 in this case –

And table 1 in the most recent, overdue report

Click to Enlarge
Source Data
Click to Enlarge
Source Data

As you can see from the above, the mortality rate per 100,00 among the unvaccinated remained at pretty much the same level throughout the entirety of 2022, with no major increases, or dips.

But what’s concerning is the fact that the unvaccinated mortality rate was lower than the one dose vaccinated and two dose vaccinated for the entire year. And the 3+ dose vaccinated for 8 months of the year.

However, if it were not for the fact the 3 dose + data includes those who have also had a fourth, or even fifth dose, we fully believe that the mortality rate would still be higher than the unvaccinated mortality rate for the entire year.

Because as you can see from the above chart, the fall is far too dramatic, and it coincides with the rollout of the Autumn 2022 Booster campaign as confirmed in a press release published by the JCVI

This means the data for mortality rates on those who had 3 doses after Spring 2022 is unreliable because it includes a small portion of people who had a fourth dose in Spring and an even smaller portion of people who had a fifth dose in the Autumn.

You cannot trust the BBC.

The UK Government has clearly confirmed that mortality rates per 100,000 were highest among the vaccinated in every single age group throughout 2022

This means that people who have taken the Covid-19 vaccine have a higher chance of dying than the general population due to the intense damage it can do to the two most vital organs in the human body, the heart and the brain, and the devastating decimation it does to the natural immune system.

And scientists, Governments and Medicine Regulators knew all about this potential consequence at the very same time COVID-19 vaccines were granted emergency use authorization by regulatory agencies, thanks to a study published on the 16th of December 2020, proving the S protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood-brain barrier in mice. And it was the first study published to prove this of many.

So in effect, the past few years have all been a huge lie. And you have been tricked into taking part in an experiment that has killed millions through Midazolam/Remdesivir poisoning and Covid-19 vaccination.

The evidence to prove that claim can all be found here.

And secret reports from the Governments of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and most of Europe have raised further alarm bells because they confirm that approximately 20 million deaths have been recorded resulting in 2 million excess deaths since Pfizer lied enabling the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.

Official figures provided to EuroMOMO by the UK Government and 26 other Governments of counties across Europe reveal that most of the continent suffered 375,253 excess deaths in 2021 and 404,6000 excess deaths in 2022.

This equates to 779,853 excess deaths over the two years. The figures do not include Ukraine so cannot be blamed on the ongoing war.

Australia suffered 11,068 excess deaths in 2021 and then a shocking 22,730 excess deaths by week 38 of 2022. This is in stark contrast to the year 2020, when only 1,306 excess deaths were recorded at the height of the Covid pandemic and prior to the rollout of the Covid injections.

This means Australia suffered a shocking 1,640% increase in excess deaths in just 39 weeks throughout 2022 compared to 53 weeks throughout 2020.

You can read much more about that here.

But the figures have been provided to both the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) and EuroMOMO by each country’s Government organisations. The U.S. data has been provided by the Centers for Disease Control. The UK data has been provided by the Office for National Statistics. And Australia’s data has been provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics etc.

So these aren’t independent estimates. They are official Government-authorized figures. And they show that the ‘Five Eyes’ countries and 26 other countries across Europe have suffered 1.99 million excess deaths since the Covid-19 injections were first granted emergency use authorisation.

And the millions of deaths would most likely have been avoided if the Establishment had not persisted in continuing to roll out a “vaccine” that instructs your cells to manufacture millions of dangerous spike proteins that cross the blood-brain barrier.

Resulting in neuroinflammation, cerebrovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases and a whole host of other unknown ailments.

The evidence is clear. Since 2020, the ordinary public has been unknowingly taking part in the largest experiment ever conducted on Humanity, and it has resulted in the loss of millions of lives as well as injuring millions more.

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1 year ago

Perhaps the death rate for the vaccinated (especially the 3+ jabbed) dropped so much because so many had died within the first 6-9 months.

Reply to  Penrose22
1 year ago

Motive, opportunity laid out in their own worlds. Their words provide the framework, Mikovits findings lay out the framework for everything COVID.
Click This Link……… https://EarningDoors1.blogspot.Com

1 year ago

There will be no covid vaccine injuries grand jury because the governor will be fired.

1 year ago

The problem in the reporting deaths -IF the person that DIED has NOT had ALL the BOOSTER SHOTS – the VICTIM is considered UNVACCINATED ! ! ! That is part of the problem – government is deflecting results so they are NOT TO BLAME ! ! ! Thank you – Paul

Reply to  Paul
1 year ago

Mixing the never vaccinated with the too long ago to be counted as boosted/vaccinated, is a silent way to create false ´truths’.

1 year ago

As ALWAYS…very trustworthy info…

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
1 year ago

Well I’m an Unvaccinated, beginning of this article reminded me of how my mom who was against vaccines so much my mom told me at age 9 years old in 1975 ,
My mom said: I will kill you IF you ever get a vaccine of any kind !
Then my mom said: Then I will disown you !
I said Okay mom, just calm down.

Technically we know The Vaccine is no good ,
But statistics samistics how much water can they hold , not saying vaccines are good ,
I’m saying: The PCR test Was Never designed For Diagnostics.
Some test were performed at 25 spin cycles , some at 42 spin cycles majority were spun above 32 cycles.
Just stop taking them if you have tooken them.

Jimmy Jukebox,

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Jimmy Jukebox
1 year ago

I do not know any unvaxxed person who now regrets taking the shot.

I do know alot of vaxxed who do regret taking it.

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
Reply to  Mark Deacon
1 year ago

I know a few vaccinated that regret taking the vaccine.
1 person in particular got the mycaridis (blood clots) he’s on a very expensive prescription medication, he was a blue collar union trade man.
My brother and daughter took the vaccine so far both have good have But technically neither goes for regular doctor check up’s to really know.
The union guy I know he goes for regular doctor check up’s and that’s how he caught his blood clots in an early stage where he will be alright as long as he takes a prescription medication for the rest of his life probably.

My daughter had a baby boy may 5 2022 she even got the baby vaccinated that’s how brainwashed she is.

Jimmy Jukebox,

Reply to  Mark Deacon
1 year ago

Do you know anybody with long Covid who didn’t take the jab ?

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  Mark Deacon
1 year ago

All my colleagues have gone very quiet.

They’re not giggling like school girls over ‘conspiracy theorists’ anymore.

I consider then a retarded sub-species and can never take them seriously again.

They locked me down for 2 years so I couldn’t work/travel, caused a huge tax burden, an additional burgeoning Medicare burden, discriminated against me for telling the truth and participating in a deadly medical experiment, then created this huge Inflation eroding my life’s work. Now as predicted, they have made flying dangerous.

I have no sympathy for them as they will never take responsibility for the mess they caused. Those morons that fell for the pandemic hoax and the fake vaccines.

The unvaccinated consider the vaccinated herd of obedient mindless sheep to be mentally retarded. We look at them as being an sub-species incapable of independent judgement and reasoning that follow the most ridiculous diktats they see on television.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Jimmy Jukebox
1 year ago

Hi Jimmy Jukebox,
Strange thing about the PCR test.
The Egyptions used to poke things up the noses of prisoners, for torture.
They punctured the brain, just like some of the PCR tests have done, and killed people.
So the people at the top knew this, and carried on.
Now I know about the probes being contaminated with Graphene oxide, as well as the face masks. Just stay clear of them all.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Jimmy Jukebox
1 year ago

Hi Jimmy Jukebox,
Quite an interesting article.
But more to home, what about all the chemtrails we get sprayed with in the UK.
I contacted my MP Ed Miliband, 10 years ago about chemtrail planes.
And recently again about pilots who died in large aircraft.
Still waiting for a reply.

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
Reply to  Dave Owen
1 year ago

Hi Dave

Check out my comment at Top,

Highlight link
V a c c I n e m I c r o c h I p talks about c e l l t o w e r s controlling us.
Lots of Good info !!!

Jimmy Jukebox,

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Jimmy Jukebox
1 year ago

Hi Jimmy Jukebox,
I have said before, I am a simpleton.
If I read half of the articles suggested. I will no longer be a simpleton.
Thank you, I will start reading them today.

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
Reply to  Dave Owen
1 year ago

Hi Dave
This link touching on what ya mentioned in an earlier post.

The link above was inside this link.

But Honestly take your time and Check out the highlights at Top of Page of of the links.

Jimmy Jukebox,

Reply to  Dave Owen
1 year ago

Correction! You will be less of a “simpleton”.

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
Reply to  Dave Owen
1 year ago

Hi Dave,
Here’s a Link that I wanted to share it pertains to going through the Air.

Jimmy Jukebox,

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
1 year ago

The main factor that contributed to the delayed use of mRNA vaccines on a large scale prior to December 2020 is the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).

Figured this out for myself with no help from the scientists because the infection rate once vaxxed was way too high. Then they tell us it does not stop infection and transmission kinbd of confirms it.

mRNA if it has any part too play is in genentic therapies only for people who are likely terminal.

Because of this concept I chose not too take any more vaxxes because they are going to make every vaxx mRNA based including boosters etc. The medical establishmet having proven too be untrustworthy it is now no needles for me.

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
Reply to  Mark Deacon
1 year ago

Hi Mark,
I see you’re swearing off vaccines , Good and Congratulations !!!
Look up the history of vaccines.

Charles Higgins wrote a book in 1903 against them.
Eleanor McBean wrote a book in the 1950s warning about the dangers,
Book title The Poison Needle.

I save The best for last Dr. Moulden PROVED THAT ALL VACCINES CAUSE ISHEMIA !!!
Big Pharma Took Away his Medical License.

Above link is from this website Expose Also worth reading.

Jimmy Jukebox,

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
1 year ago

In the UK our coins are made out of steel.
People were sticking coins on the C19 injection site.
The Graphene oxide in the C19 liquid takes iron out of the blood, and makes a magnet. When enough of these small magnets are made , they stick together and make a larger magnet.
When enough of these are made they get larger, sometimes they block veins.
Athletes who pump more blood have been dropping dead on the tracks and pitches.
If you live long enough these magnetic strands form into aerials, which can contact Blue tooth phones, and 5G signals.

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  Dave Owen
1 year ago

I prefer watching the Newsreaders dropping.

Josef Marek
Josef Marek
1 year ago

The conclusions are clear, so what to do next?The governments are not following the law anymore.Who is going to judge the government?

1 year ago

[…] The Fatal Shot: Why the COVID Vaccine caused a Public Health Catastrophe and Millions of Excess Deaths. LINK […]

Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
1 year ago

While excess deaths are a concern, they are not catastrophic or alarming. If it is only a few %, it cannot be a threat to world population. Tens of thousands have to be dropping dead on the streets, in shopping malls, etc. daily, to cause an alarm.

Today, we are seeing only less than 5% are seriously impacted. If we see 50% or more sickened, paralysed, dead, etc. than the world will react.

Even those who invented the Covid spike proteins via gain of function could not have foreseen its full impact. This is because scientists have not fully mastered the science of Cell Biology. Otherwise, all diseases will be under control or can be cured….it starts and end with the human cells.

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  Eddie Leong
1 year ago

Only the completely retarded would wait for half a street to drop dead … oh, nevermind

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Eddie Leong
1 year ago

Hi Eddie Leong,
You seem to have lost the plot.
Have you read these Expose pages correctly.
The C19 injection is a Bioweapon. Intentionally made to get rid of us.
We should never trust scientists again, ever !
Millions of people have died following these C19 Bioweapon injections.
Now we need Military trails to bring Truth.

1 year ago

[…] – The Fatal Shot: Why the COVID Vaccine caused a Public Health Catastrophe and Millions of Excess Deat… […]

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

The dying pilots issue is becoming serious in the USA.

A pals hair is falling out. The doctor told her to better not take a 3rd Pfizer as people have heart issues. He told her to take a different brand of poison.

Some doctor … bunch of criminals.

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
Reply to  Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

Hi Rabbi Seamus,
When my twins (Boy & Girl) born in 2003 were born, my wife insisted on following the vaccine schedule for babies.
I said: IF you vaccinate our kids I’m not going to like it and I’m telling the Doctor everything I know about vaccines.
3 months after the babies first vaccine doctor called up and said: I have to admit you were correct about the vaccine dangers , then he said Trust me I’ve done lots of research and looked in books that are not accessible to the Public.
Then the doctor said It’s so bad I’m quitting be a doctor and going to open up my own landscape business.
Thank you for showing me and nudging me to research vaccines.

Jimmy Jukebox

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

Hi Rabbi Seamus,
I wrote to my MP Ed Miliband, asking if the chemtrail pilots flying over us were vaccinated with C19.
The pilots seem to be American flying from a Saudi Arabian air base.
So we are under attack like the Syrian people.
The White hats need to gain control or we will be eliminated in the UK.

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
1 year ago

Hi Dave,
Hopefully you will see this,

Check out the V a c c I n e m I c r o c h I p highlight link in the article link.

Jimmy Jukebox,

1 year ago

It has been always my understanding that amongst all the crimes that Christianity has committed, communism is also one of them, not directly, but indirectly.

It is because of Christianity, its stupid superstitions, its exploitation of the people, its protection of the richest and its consolations for the poor, that Karl Marx had to say that religion is nothing but opium for the people.

This is perfectly true for organized religions, but this is not true about enlightened men like Zarathustra, or Bodhidharma, or Basho.

They are the pinnacles of consciousness.

Christianity has done so much harm that the intelligentsia, particularly people like Karl Marx, who were geniuses, became so frustrated with Christianity that they created an alternative, a materialist philosophy with no God, with no soul, with no consciousness.

Communism is a reaction against Christianity.

It is understandable, but not forgivable, because Karl Marx was not acquainted with the enlightenment of Gautam Buddha, nor was he acquainted with the Eastern flowers of Zen, of Tao, of Yoga.

Without knowing anything about authentic religion, he thought that Christianity was equivalent to a religion, he created a religion-less society.

Remember, all Communist countries including the Soviet Union and now China have all become concentration camps.

This very same enslavement model which is now overtaking the whole world, championed by the insane elite criminals of the WEF, UN, WHO, EU, NATO and all the Marxist leftist led western countries.

What do you really think Marxist Klaus Schwab is doing?

He is digging a grave for humanity as deep as possible.

The endgane is to bury all free speech, intelligence and individuality, by introducing Smart city’s, CBDC’s, full spectrum digital surveillance and track-able ID’s, we have mRNA bio eugenics warfare, retarded woke ideology, divisive social justice warriors, unlawful lockdowns, abeyance and obedience to all US/UK/Five Eyes war mongering and propaganda.

All of these ideas are suicidal and tragically dangerous.

If people can just have some respect for themselves, some dignity of being human, then you cannot reduce them all to slaves, you cannot destroy their souls and make them unconscious robots.

Has humanity completely forgotten the endless obscene crimes against humanity of this last century?

Up to now, humanity has only pretended to live, our life has been only hypothetical.  

Realize now, that nuclear weapons and all of the destructive, apocalyptic measures of the so-called elites are just a preparation for a global suicide.

The old humanity has decided to die.

It is up to the intelligent people in the world to disconnect from the old humanity before they destroy you too.

To disconnect yourself from old traditions, old religions, old nations, old ideologies.

For the first time, the old is no longer gold.

The old is the rotten corpse of an ugly past.

It is a great responsibility for the new generation, for the young people to renounce the past.

In the past, religions used to renounce the world.

But now, you have to love the world so that it can be saved, and to renounce the past totally and irrevocably, to be discontinuous.

The new man is not an improvement upon the old, he is not a continuous phenomenon, not a refinement.

The new man is the declaration of the death of the old, and the birth of an absolutely fresh man, unconditioned, without any nation, without any religion, without any discrimination of men and women, of black and white, of East and West, or North and South.

The new man is a manifesto of ‘One Humanity’.

It is the greatest revolution the world has ever seen.

The new man is a revolt against the whole past.

He is a declaration that we are going to create a new way of life, new values of life; that we are destined for new goals, faraway stars are our targets.

And we are not going to allow anybody to sacrifice us for any stunted ideology.

We are going to live our lives, not according to ideals, but according to our own longings, our own passionate intuitions.

And we are going to live moment to moment.

We are no longer to be befooled by the tomorrow, and the promises for tomorrow.

The new man contains the whole future of humanity

Let the old die.

Let the old be led by people like Klaus Schwab.

Let the blind people follow these blind fools.

Remember, the new man is not someone coming from another planet.

The new man is you in your freshness, in your silences of the heart, in your depth of meditation, in your beautiful spaces of love, in your songs of joy, in your dances of ecstasy, in your love of this earth.

Realize the responsibility, man has never faced a greater responsibility before, a responsibility to renounce the whole past, to erase it from your being.

This earth can be a splendor, a magic, a miracle.

Our hands have that touch, it is just that we have never tried it.

Man has never given a chance to his own potential to grow, to blossom, to bring fulfillment, contentment, to shower the whole earth with flowers, to fill the whole earth with fragrance.

That fragrance is godliness.

The new man will not worship a god as a creator of the world, the new man will create godliness as a fragrance, as beauty, as love, as truth.

Up to now god has been the creator.

For the new man from now, man will be the creator, and god is going to be the created.

We can create godliness, it is within our hands.

That’s why I say the new man is the greatest revolution that has ever happened in the world.

And there is no way to avoid it because the old man is determined to die, determined, committed to commit suicide.

Let him die peacefully.

Those who have a rebellious spirit should just disconnect themselves, and they will be the saviors, they will create a Noah’s ark of consciousness, they will be the beginning of a new world.

And because we have known the old world and its miseries; we can avoid all those miseries, the politicians, the globalists, the banksters, the intelligence agencies, we can avoid all those jealousies, all those angers, all those wars, all those destructive tendencies.

We can go through a total transformation.

We can create innocent people, loving people, people who breathe in freedom, people who help each other to be free.

We can create nourishment for everybody to be dignified, to be respected, not according to some ideals and values, but just as they are.

The new man is going to be the very salt of the earth.

1 year ago

One main problem is hardly recognised and reported: Any cell in the body that produces a foreign protein on the instructions of the vaccinated mRNA is destroyed by the immune system. This means that billions of cells that have produced spikes are probably destroyed with each injection.

1 year ago

[…] Why the COVID Vaccine caused a Public Health Catastrophe and Millions of Excess Deaths […]