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New US Medicare data show COVID Vaccination INCREASES your risk of dying

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The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) has always had access to Medicare records but has never made them publicly available.  If the data supported the official narrative that covid injections are “safe,” the CDC would have made the data publicly available for anyone and everyone to analyse. Instead, the CDC hid the data from public view because Medicare records show the opposite – that covid “vaccines” are not safe.

The bottom line is, Steve Kirsch wrote, that when there is no data transparency, there is a high chance that the government is lying to you.

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Medicare is a US government national health insurance program. It began in 1965 under the Social Security Administration (“SSA”) and is now administered by the Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”). It primarily provides health insurance for Americans aged 65 and older, but also for some younger people with disability status as determined by the SSA, including people with end-stage renal disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease).

On 25 February, Steve Kirsch was given an excel workbook with over 114,000 records of deaths by vaccination status from the Medicare database.  He authenticated the data by matching it with records he already had in his possession.  The newly acquired Medicare data shows:

  • The vaccines are making it more likely that the elderly will die prematurely, not less likely.
  • The risk of death remains elevated for an unknown period after being injected.

In short, the CDC lied to the American people about the safety of covid injections. They had access to this data the entire time and kept it hidden and said nothing.

In an article detailing his analysis of the newly received Medicare data, Kirsch wrote: “[In this article you’ll see] why the CDC will never release this data and why the mainstream press is NEVER EVER going to ask to see the data: because it would reveal they lied to people and killed over 500,000 Americans by recommending they take an unsafe ‘vaccine’.”

Both Dr. Clare Craig and Professor Norman Fenton have had a quick look at the Medicare data and, unlike data published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, were unable to find any obvious flaws.

“Unless I made a serious error, there is no rock big enough for them to hide under on this one. No excuses. No attacks. It’s basically bulletproof. The results simply cannot be explained if the vaccines are safe. And the numbers are huge. You don’t need a peer-reviewed study on this one,” Kirsch wrote.

Note: Kirsch has excluded the unvaccinated from the charts he presents in his article to avoid confusion.  The problem with the Medicare data, he said, is that the unvaccinated are a mix of people with vaccination and no vaccination so it is not pure. This is because Medicare patients went to a pharmacy to get their free injection and it wasn’t recorded in the Medicare records. This is why half the Medicare records don’t have any information regarding vaccination status at all. Also, people migrate from the unvaccinated group to the vaccinated group at an unknown rate, even Medicare doesn’t know the rate, which makes it problematic to use.

The records only show the vaccination status of people who have died rather than the full set of records that any truly honest government would supply. So, the data needs to be analysed in a certain way to understand what is going on.  The data needs to be considered in terms of seasonality or deaths relating to seasons.  For example, deaths increase during the winter season and then decrease again. “The drop could be as much as 40% from the peak value [of covid deaths plus season deaths],” Kirsch noted. 

Using data for vaccine recipients only Kirsch explained: “If the vaccine is PERFECT, we’ll see the [post-season] slope [of days to death] go down, but not as much [as 40%] because we’ll just see seasonality effects going down (since nobody is dying from covid) … If the vaccine isn’t causing harm, the slope will go down and remain flat.”

Kirsch used the Medicare data to calculate the number of days to death after the first dose was administered. Looking at the pre-covid era data for the elderly, Kirsch found a strong seasonality of deaths. They are high in the winter and low in the summer. The difference between peaks and troughs is around 20%. This data is from the CDC for ages 65-84:

Figure 1. This is the weekly death counts from 2015-2019 summed over all US states for ages 65-84. This was created using a visualisation on the CDC website using this dataset. Epidemiologists are very familiar with this effect. There are no surprises here. The peak is 256K, the trough is 213, so there is a 17% seasonality drop in deaths from the peak.

The covid vaccine program was initiated on 14 Dec 2020 and peaked in the third week of Jan 2021 for people in the 65-84 age group.  By honing in on the days to death data for the period beginning when the first dose was administered in Q1 of 2021, “if the shot is harmless, we should see the rate of deaths dropping for at least 9 weeks after the shot, and then remaining flat for the next 15 weeks before turning upward,” Kirsch explained.

But the data shows the slope goes up instead of down.

Figure 4. This shows days until death from Shot #1 where shot #1 was given in Q1 2021 to Medicare recipients under 80. Every single day is a dot on this graph. What is supposed to happen is the line is supposed to slope DOWNWARD due to seasonality. If nothing “bad” is going on, this should look like a weighted moving average of Figure 2 (using the weights in Figure 3). As you can see, the slope goes the wrong way. Note that the increase in risk is still present after 2 years from the initial value at day 50, but at least it’s not getting any worse over time. NB: The graph drops off starting at 660 days out because we run out of months to die (since the shot is given in Q1 and the person must die before Feb 1, 2023).

The same is seen for those who received their first dose in Q2 of 2021. “The slope should be flat for around the first 15 weeks after the shot is given (we are starting in a [seasonally] flat period, week 13) and we have about 15 weeks of flat deaths after that. Yet the slope is going up when it is supposed to be flat,” Kirsch said.

Figure 5. Same as Fig. 4 except we restrict shot #1 to be given in Q2. Not that the peak shifts since seasonality does not move. The drop-off is now starting at 570 since we are now giving the shot a quarter later.

Using charts to demonstrate, Kirsch shows how the same problem happens with the second and third doses. “[The data for dose 3] suggests that if you lived until shot #3, it will still increase your risk of dying, just not as much as the earlier shots,” Kirsch said.  This “just not as much as earlier shots” conclusion is based on the same number of people receiving a second dose as received a third dose.  The elevated risk of dying is also seen after receiving the fourth dose.

When Kirsch factored into his calculations that fewer than half the people who received a second dose received any boosters (68% vs. 33%), in the first 200 days post-injection there was a 50% increase in the rate of death (600 per day) vs. the 400 per day rate after 1 year.

“The good news here is that it shows if you stop the shots, it appears your risk lowers after a year,” Kirsch said.

You can read Steve Kirsch’s full article ‘Medicare data shows the COVID vaccines increase your risk of dyingHERE.  His article ends with a section for analyses done on different data by other researchers which also conclude that the covid injections are deadly. The resources Kirsch refers to include:

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Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

Thanks for 2 years of Lockdown, second class citizen discrimination, a surveillance Passport system, huge monetary expansion
and subsequent Inflation.

Your reward is coming …

1 year ago

[…] Vous pouvez lire l’intégralité de l’article de Steve Kirsch intitulé « Medicare data shows the COVID vaccines increase your risk of dying » ICI. Son article se termine par une section consacrée aux analyses effectuées sur des données différentes par d’autres chercheurs qui concluent également que les injections de covid sont mortelles. Les ressources auxquelles Kirsch fait référence sont les suivantes : […]

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
1 year ago

This has been the whole point all along.

Too conceal, cancel and censor something that is so good it is worth taking along with all the data too back it up. /S

Everybody would have jumped at the chance.

Too many people robbed by governments knew in their hearts it was all a lie and the conceal, cancel and censoring just proved this with no good data too put out there too convince otherwise.

The thing about data it can be proved true or false and one of the reason they hid most of it. If printed lets say for the effectiveness of masks it could be rebuked by scientists if then proven false.

Covid made me reaize it is not a good choice too take pharmaceutical products realising my existig good health is best kept my way.

1 year ago

When the biometric parasitic called covid fist came out I kept close watch, when government’s around the world all did the same things I had a gut feeling that this was wrong, did not get the jabs, am 67 and have never had a flu shot, I think I have had covid did not test as only shivers, headache and felt sick lasted about 30 hours, stepfather had 2,3 shots and was dead within 6 months, most of the elderly in New Zealand were told to fear covid and still do, we now have a daily death rate of 250+, up from a normal 20 to 50 a day and again the government is not talking about it or even letting the MSM report it, as I tell people, get the jab and make Pfizer rich, get the jabs and die, but it’s your choice

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
1 year ago

Remedy for Spike-Protein & Auto-Immune Diseases Caused by C19 Shot | Dr. Sherri Tenpenny & COMUSAV
Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Tuesday, 28-Feb-2023 00:07:29
Chlorine dioxide, Dr Humble. Available from camping stores.

1 year ago

I recommend everyone to read Real Anthony Fauci by Bobby Kennedy Jr. On chapther 3 he explains how Ivermectin could have saved 80 percent of deaths Worldwide. This book have opened my eyes. I now know that, 90% of all medicine is not for anything else than profit for them. Low profit and effective medicines are bashed and marketed as ineffective because they go against their narrative and profit plans. One of them is wonder drug Ivermectin. I see that everyday people search for it but can’t find a place to obtain. You can get yours by visiting

Vic Anderson
Vic Anderson
1 year ago

Right0n, truthteller !

1 year ago

[…] Vaccine Safety Research Foundation founder Steve Kirsch recently exposed the reason why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has never made Medicare records publicly available despite them having an access to the data. It is because the records clearly show that the experimental vaccines are really not safe. […]

1 year ago

[…]              El Fundador de la Fundación para la Investigación de la Seguridad de las Vacunas, Steve Kirsch, expuso recientemente la razón por la cual los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) nunca han puesto a disposición del público los registros de Medicare a pesar de que tienen acceso a los datos. Es porque los registros muestran claramente que las vacunas experimentales realmente no son seguras . […]

1 year ago

[…] The Expose, publisert 28 Februar 2023.Oversatt fra engelsk og forkortet av Northern Light. Linker, kilder, diagrammer og oversikter i originalartikkelen.Originalartikkel: New US Medicare data show COVID Vaccination INCREASES your risk of […]

1 year ago

[…] The Expose, publisert 28 Februar 2023.Oversatt fra engelsk og forkortet av Northern Light. Linker, kilder, diagrammer og oversikter i originalartikkelen.Originalartikkel: New US Medicare data show COVID Vaccination INCREASES your risk of […]

1 year ago

[…] he authenticated by matching records he had in his possession. It was concluded that the shots were increasing the likelihood of the elderly dying prematurely and the risk of death remains elevated for an unknown period after being […]

1 year ago

[…] he authenticated by matching records he had in his possession. It was concluded that the shots were increasing the likelihood of the elderly dying prematurely and the risk of death remains elevated for an unknown period after being […]

1 year ago

[…] he authenticated by matching records he had in his possession. It was concluded that the shots were increasing the likelihood of the elderly dying prematurely and the risk of death remains elevated for an unknown period after being […]

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