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MP says Covid-19 is a Manufactured Bioweapon and Security Services knew about it in August 2019

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Member of the UK Parliament Andrew Bridgen told NHS100K that global elites conspired to keep coronavirus secret for months, before exaggerating its severity to impose restrictions. 

He said security services had known about the virus in the summer of 2019, months before its official identification, and were advised not to take any Covid “vaccines” or tests.  He added that Covid was engineered to be a bioweapon and less harmful than the public was led to believe.

Mr. Bridgen also questioned whether influenza had been reclassified as Covid, said that treatments were suppressed so the “vaccine” could be authorised for use on the public and he believes he is suffering injuries as a result of having taken the AstraZeneca injection.

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A week after his “vaccines harms speech” in Parliament, Mr. Bridgen spoke with Matt Taylor of NHS100K.  Mr. Bridgen said has never had the level of public interest and support as he has had over the issues he raised in Parliament.  “There’s a huge public interest in all of this, which obviously the mainstream media are completely ignoring,” he said.

“I think there are very few rewards for anybody from taking the vaccine.  Someone’s making an awful lot of money out of this … We’ve sacrificed enough of our citizens now on the altar of ignorance and unfettered corporate greed.”

In his Parliamentary speech, Mr. Bridgen talked through the evidence and how we have got to the position where unsafe vaccines are being administered to the public thanks to Big Pharma’s lobbying of politicians, their advertising power, and control of corporate media and the scientific community.  Pfizer reportedly made $45 billion out of the vaccine last year, Mr. Bridgen told Taylor. “That’s half of their worldwide profits.  So, you can buy a lot of influence with that.”

“It’s been amazing that there’s been no allowed challenge to the narrative that these vaccines are safe and effective. They’ve been produced in record time … and if they’re safe and effective why is there an indemnity for vaccine manufacturers for claims for harms?  Why would you need that?”

In response to his Parliamentary speech, Covidians have doubled down.  As Tom Whipple of The Times reported:

In a debate before Christmas, [Mr. Bridgen] reiterated his call for vaccinations to end – and was opposed by his colleague Maria Caulfield. Labour said this was not enough though.

“Why won’t Rishi Sunak grow a backbone, stand up to his own party, and make it clear that dangerous conspiracy theories have no place in his Conservative Party?” said Andrew Gwynne, Labour’s shadow public health minister.

“Getting people vaccinated is of critical importance … The prime minister’s weakness is enabling the spreading of baseless, offensive, and dangerous antivax disinformation.”

Tory MP Andrew Bridgen says Covid-19 was kept secret then exploited, The Times, 31 December 2022

You can watch Mr. Bridgen’s interview with NHS100K below.  NHS100K is a group of NHS care and social staff.  It was set up in November 2021 by a group of ambulance workers, who support freedom of choice and reject vaccine mandates, to support both NHS and care staff.

NHS100K: MP Andrew Bridgen, 21 December 2022 (60 mins)

In the video above, Mr. Bridgen said re-analysis of samples pre-2020 show that the virus spread unnoticed by the public, without causing harm, before governments conspired to fabricate a crisis. Mr. Bridgen explained that the virus had been circulating for at least six months before the first lockdown in the UK. 

“There’s clear evidence [ ] that the virus was circulating in Europe in the summer of 2019 … I’ve seen some evidence which is unequivocal, some cancer biopsy samples which were taken at the end of August 2019 … from Italy … about 15% [of the samples] were infected with Covid-19,” Mr. Bridgen said.  He has also been told that an analysis of sewage samples in London showed that Covid was circulating in the autumn of 2019.  But, “the hospitals weren’t overflowing and people were not dying in the streets,” he said.

Mr. Bridgen has been very sceptical of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (“SAGE”) from early on.  They’re an unelected group of far-left academics who got their dream of running the country, Mr. Bridgen said. “Their recommendations were unbelievable.  I mean, Neil Ferguson at Imperial with his doom-mongering predictions that we’re all going to be dying of Covid.”

Mr. Bridgen pointed out that the average age of someone who died with Covid was over 82 years old, older than expected longevity. “That’s not a killer disease.  That’s called the flu, isn’t it? … We haven’t had any flu deaths for a few [years] where have they all gone?” Or, as Taylor pointed out, Covid deaths was the reclassification of someone who died of natural causes at the right age.

Mr. Bridgen made the Government and Jeremy Hunt, in particular, aware of science papers about some of the possible treatments:

“I was very disappointed with the response I got from the Government and Jeremy Hunt, who was the chair of the Health Select Committee … [The response was] embarrassing. He turned around to me and said ‘don’t send me scientific papers I don’t understand them’.  I said ‘well, but you were in the health service for seven years, what you can’t read a scientific paper?’  Maybe he could and maybe he didn’t want to.

“We were told, take these vaccines and you’re 100% protected from Covid … It turns out that was a known non-truth … and then people were being told you’re selfish if you don’t want to take it … Then we find it not only doesn’t stop you catching it, [but also] it doesn’t stop you transmitting it.

“The mandates were all illegal. So, some 40,000 care workers were kicked out of their jobs, there’s no scientific basis for that, no moral basis for that.  So, there’s room for a class action against the Government.”

It is clear to Mr. Bridgen now, that while the public rolled over, gave away all their freedoms – was locked down, followed social distancing rules and wore masks – at 10 Downing Street (“No.10”), the official residence and office of the UK Prime Minister, there was no social distancing or wearing of masks. 

“They knew all the science. They had access to all the science in No.10 better than anybody else.  They were telling us what to do [but] they weren’t doing it and obviously weren’t worried about the impact of catching the virus. It makes a mockery of what went on.  And clearly, they knew it wasn’t dangerous because they weren’t scared at all, but they were scaring the willies out of the public.

“It’s not just on [Covid].  [It’s] climate change, the economic crisis, the war in Ukraine … A third of our young people under 24 think the world’s going to burn up in a ball of fire in the next 10 years … This is absolute hocus pocus.”

Mr. Bridgen has spoken to a BBC cameraman who attended some of the daily televised coronavirus briefings.  Remember the briefings where the lecterns were spaced out and the people taking the briefing would walk in, socially distancing while wearing masks? The rule was that only one media person could attend, to do both the sound and the camera, and had to test negative for Covid beforehand.  The cameraman said that in front of the camera was as we saw it on TV with social distancing etc, but standing right behind him, out of camera shot, dozens of special advisers were not wearing masks or social distancing.  This was the same every time he attended a briefing. “It was a pantomime,” Mr. Bridgen said.

“I’ve spoken to [ ] people who’ve recently left security services around the world and they’ve told me that they knew in September [2019] what was going to happen.  Some of them have told me they knew in August.  And they were also told not to take any vaccines or tests.  I wish they had told me before I took my two [doses of] AstraZeneca.”

Mr. Bridgen has likely been vaccine injured.  Post-vaccination he has developed an immune system disorder, as have some of his colleagues, and will be on medication for the rest of his life.

Mr. Bridgen said he did not know why governments would have been motivated to behave in the way they did, but suspected it was due to pharmaceutical companies seeking profit, adding, “[it] reeks of insider trading”.  “This would have taken a lot of planning over many, many years – an awful lot of organisation and money,” he said.

“Worldwide we’ve had this pandemic of what is undoubtedly a manufactured bioweapon.  It’s a manufactured virus, whether its gain-of-function or worse, which gain-of-function is actually making bioweapons.  You’d have thought the most important thing you want to know is: where did it come from and how can we make sure it never happens again?

“No one’s interested because I think the powers that be know where it came from, they know why. That’s the only conclusion I can come to. And they probably don’t want us to know where it came from and how it came to be.

“I think it got out in July.  Whether that was on purpose or accident [I don’t know].  But clearly, someone’s watched that develop for months and months and months, and then someone’s exploited the situation. And then we went into this full Covid mode in spring 2020 when actually it had been there for the best part of a year.”

Background reading:

Featured image: London police, protesters clash at COVID-19 demonstration, Associated Press, 26 September 2020

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1 year ago

crimes against humanity

1 year ago

Except that there was never a virus in the picture, flu or covid, both are due to poisoning, most likely e(electro)smog poisoning but other poisons (smog, pesticides, herbicides, chemtrails, etc) also can and do cause flu like symptoms.

This article (photo) and the video in it contains extremly important information, take time to read and watch it. This is the proof that there is no mRNA, there is no Spike Protein, the so called vaccine never was meant to be for protection, it is ‘ONLY’ nanotech and graphene. Which means it was meant to kill and TAGGING – THE MAC ADDRESSES – what ‘vaccinated’ people have now.

Reply to  LittleRedShoes
1 year ago

Plus they do cause covid symptoms with the help of mobile phones!! Maybe with the help of wifi, smart toys, etc, too but we are sure only about mobiles. You have no way to check what updates they send to your phone or how they can direct its work. NOT ALL OF THEM, NOT ALL OF THE TIME.
The safe distance is around 2 meters, do you remember back then we were instructed to keep 2 meters / 6 feet distance. This is why, apart from running the show, this is why.

Back then 5 kittens of ours went ill with proper covid symptoms, first they had difficulty walking as if they would have been paralyzed to this or that leg, 2 days later they had sky-high fever and ‘pneumonias’ but 0 respiratory symptom, no runny nose, sneezing, nothing. Shortly before this, I got a weird call, the caller wanted to know just one thing, that was I the one who used that number. Just in month time I got very bad asthma attacks just after 2-3 minutes talking on that phone. I couldn’t breath properly for almost a day long, a pressure on my chest. Later – as we were still not suspicious we left that phone in the living room on the table and the kittens slept under that table – 1 meter distance or so.

Here comes the proof, and BUY an EMF meter to be sure, if you want to use a mobile buy an EMF meter. Even 1 mW/n2 is considered to be dangerous, a microwave oven (ours) emits 76, but our phone just days ago emitted 360!!!!
This is how they mimic pandemic and I am tend to think this is how so many truth-teller died to ‘covid’ at the beginning. You won’t feel a thing at once you know just a bit later and you very likely won’t make the connection, if I was breathless for almost a day just after 2-3 minutes imagine what happened with the lungs of people who used it longer.

Thomas Lee Simpson
Thomas Lee Simpson
Reply to  LittleRedShoes
1 year ago

The manufacturing of viruses and vaccines has been going on for longer than two years. US Patent Office records show that on April 28, Sanofi Pharmaceutical applied for a patent for an mRNA countermeasure to SARS. It was not approved. Three days earlier CDC applied for a patent on a manufactured SARS virus, implying collusion between the CDC and Sanofi, which was purchased later by Pfizer. The CDC patent was approved in 2008. This is when DARPA became interested.

The first coronavirus vaccine to use the spike protein was patented by Pfizer in January 2000, Patent #6372224. It was a spike protein virus vaccine for canine coronavirus.

Fauci and Ralph Baric, Director of UNC-Chapel Hill lab, created an infectious coronavirus in 2002. They created an infectious replication of a defective coronavirus using gene sequencing that specifically targeted the lungs. Fauci and Baric patented a SARS virus in 2002, patent #7279327, turning it into a lethal bioweapon. Several months later a SARS outbreak occurred in Asia. Fauci’s SARS vaccine could now be used to harness the SARS virus they created guaranteeing them huge profits.

Veterinarian and associate of Fauci, Peter Daszak, confessed their plans for the 2019 pandemic in an interview he did in 2017, the same year Fauci warned President Trump that a Pandemic would occur during his presidency. Daszak told the magazine that “we need to increase public understanding of the need for a countermeasure such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.” The media was complicit in generating fear throughout the world until societies demanded a vaccine after Fauci said prophylactics were not to be used.

1 year ago


Reply to  john
1 year ago

Totally shocked our elected governments went along with this shame.

1 year ago

Whoever your current MP is just vote them out at the first opportunity!

Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

Only slaves vote.

Reply to  john
1 year ago

Briefly. As we all well know democracy is oft lauded, and touted as being something wonderful, when in fact the exact opposite is true.
The evil bastards that head the western nations love democracy because it gave them power and wealth, they care not for biblical/Christian morals This is all prophesied in the Scriptures. Theocracy is the only answer to the ills of the world, and none but God in Christ will put it right.
What many can’t grasp is that if you “vote them out”, the next one in will just continue following orders, so the malaise will go from bad to worse until the Lord’s Return.

Ana D
Ana D
Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

They always provide the candidates on both sides of the political spectrum. So whoever you vote for, it will be the same outcome.

Baal vs Moloch.jpg
Reply to  Ana D
1 year ago

comment image

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

Hi Steve, I have written to my MP Ed Miliband lots of times. Still waiting for one reply.
You are correct in wanting to get rid of them.
Problem is, both Conservative and Labour in the UK were voting together. We need to get a new system in place.
The old system has failed us.
Do not forgive do not forget.

Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

No, not voting, but saying NO to everything that comes from them. This have include not paying taxes, one day if not ready now. But sooner the better for all of us.

Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

The Government tells you their plans. They tell you what Laws they are proposing to pass. As the public, you either agree or disagree with those proposals. If you disagree, your duty is to tell them you disagree. Silence is considered tacit agreement.
The public are more interested in their “entertainment”. They don’t have time to write a notice or send their representative an email conveying their disagreement.
A vote gives away power of attorney over your affairs.

1 year ago

Finally some sanity. Bank runs have begun in Germany. Any body with funds in the banks at this point are beyond stupid.

Ana D
Ana D
1 year ago

Not months – this was in the planning for decades, and they probably had the vaccine ready for years.

1) There are documents of the World Bank, documenting the export and import of SARS-Covid19 test kits starting in 2016. With the billions of tests used worldwide, they never would have been able to produce enough, if they had started after the “virus” was allegedly discovered, and Christian Drosten allegedly invented the PCR test in early 2020.
See the attached image: these were the trade figures for 2017.
Now, the World Bank has deleted that category, and you will no longer find these documents. I found it via the Wayback Machine (btw they merit a donation, for the valuable service they provide).

2) “Targeted individuals” were probably injected years earlier, to test and improve the technology. Their minds were hacked, their thoughts could be read or implanted, their will was paralyzed, and they often heard voices. All brought on by nanobots in their brains, controlled from the outside via microwave.

3) The genocide in Rwanda 1994 was triggered and pushed on by microwave technology, as you can read in the article “Operation Crimson Mist” by Joe Vialls.
I am convinced, the many massacres and overall cruelty in the Bosnian war 1992 – 95 was brought on by the same technology.
This is the technology that will be used in conjunction with the 5G antennaes and the graphene in the bodies and brains of the injected.
Both genocides were probably used as tests of the microwave mind control and as rehearsal for the the big slaughter to come of central Europeans by muslim invaders.
There are many reports that the so-called “refugees” are being armed, that they dispose of large financial resources, and that they constitute a secret army waiting for day X. Witnesses claim that they are provided with smart phones by the Red Cross, and that some seem to be in a trance when coming out of the first interviews at the border with the Red Cross.
The “rape night” of Cologne, Dec31 2015 was obviously organized, but it was never investigated by whom and for which purposes. I think it was a rehearsal.

To conclude:
Stop focussing so much on statistics, how many people are dying, or politics, who did what to push on the plandemic.
All that is yesterday’s conspiracy.
Rather concentrate on what is going to come, your survival depends on it.

Covid19 Test Kits import and export 2017.jpg
Reply to  Ana D
1 year ago

I’ve read many of these you cited, I even saw the World Bank’ site that many countries bought covid testing kits years ago, I remembered 2017 but I could be wrong on the date – you wrote 2016 – anyway, around that time.

I also read about Rwanda and that they used microwaves, to make them crazy and blood thirsty. It started as a small fight in a pub, they didn’t want to kill at the beginning.

About the refugees – almost all are young men – there was a video recently on, O’Looney the famous funeral director told similar.

Writing this only that the stuff you wrote about is not a ‘made up’ stuff.

… and they dismantled the county own army I guess, as guards dropped during the Jubilee and later at the coffin, too, I guess they were all poisoned with the vax, too.

1 year ago

Why does your summary state “ were advised not to take any Covid “vaccines” or tests” and his actual quote is “not to take ANY vaccines…”?

1 year ago

Was advised to “not take ANY vaccines”…why was it only the three hardest hit areas that received a new flu vaccines that late summer/early fall of 2019?

Reply to  Joe
1 year ago

New flu vaccines and 5G… those were the most hardly hit areas, eg. Lombardy.
About finding graphene oxide in the 2018-19 flu vaxxes (two types at least) La Quinta Columna has documentation, they found articles about it on
they also found it in Prevenar13

The latest is that a French Group examined 4 other types, published by La Quinta Columna, they recorded the examinations when they only examined the vaxxes, later the same vax in blood, showing that what they did with the human blood. At least 2 if not 3 are rather for children.
The affected vaxxes were:
Flu season 22-23

Plus they found graphene oxide in Lidocaine, in many drugs and in SALINE SOLUTIONS, too, plus rain water (Canary Islands), food, tea, meat (TimTruth odysee channel)

Jacqui Purcell
Jacqui Purcell
1 year ago

What a brave man and it’s thanks to him
that someone has finally stood up and spoken the truth that many of us have known all along!

1 year ago

[…] WILSON NA 2. LEDNA 2023 • ( 17 KOMENTÁŘŮ ) Člen britského parlamentu Andrew Bridgen řekl NHS100K, že globální elity se spikli, aby […]

1 year ago

There was opposition – certainly in London. The anti-lockdown marches were HUGE, but this was being suppressed. Seriously, we were made to feel that we were alone in our scepticism, but there were millions of us!

Alieta Eck, MD
Alieta Eck, MD
1 year ago

I am a physician in New Jersey, USA, and wrote an exemption letter for a firefighter in the FDNY. Here was their response today:

The request for a medical exemption from the vaccine mandate is denied. The asserted medical basis and the records or notes submitted in support of the requested exemption do not sufficiently establish a contraindication from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Further, given the state of the public health emergency, the nature of the Department’s life-saving mission, and the impact to the safety and health of Department members and the public that Department members regularly interact with, the requested accommodation cannot be granted.”

When will the public health officials wake up?
Alieta Eck, MD

Reply to  Alieta Eck, MD
1 year ago

Advise the firefighter to resign and get a handyman work for example. Open a private rescue firm etc.

Peace warrior
Peace warrior
1 year ago

I wonder if this terrible tragedy on Monday Night Football will create any curiosity as to his vaccination status? this poor young man was being administered CPR (meaning heart may have stopped) and then taken off in ambulance Players faces were telling

Lynda Corns
Lynda Corns
1 year ago

Those criminals MUST be brought to justice Crimes Against Humanity

1 year ago

Why there is crypto donation included?

James Dodd
James Dodd
1 year ago

The truth will out.

1 year ago

[…] [Related: MP says Covid-19 is a Manufactured Bioweapon and Security Services knew about it in August 2019] […]

1 year ago

[…] [Relacionado: MP dice que Covid-19 es un arma biológica fabricada y los servicios de seguridad lo sabían en agos…] […]

1 year ago

[…] [Related: MP says Covid-19 is a Manufactured Bioweapon and Security Services knew about it in August 2019] […]

1 year ago

[…] [Related: MP says Covid-19 is a Manufactured Bioweapon and Security Services knew about it in August 2019] […]

1 year ago

Sir kevin barron knighted mp planned for covid b4 it came. See sir kevin barron westminsters pharmaceutical champion who took bribes from pharmacists
The rotherham town masterplan pre covid with a freemadon run apothecary advertising human phlegm for sale and how to control humans in their council funded witches shop for children .

Sir kev foor to door flu vaccine activist resigned the day after i told di abbott he silenced me july 2019.
I was taken until jan 2021.

I discussed covid pre covid and got taken.
Sunak moderna info sys drones robotics and sir kev.

My village was covid ready pre covid. I noticed now my home and family have all gone.

1 year ago

[…] The Exposé – MP says Covid-19 is a Manufactured Bioweapon and Security Services knew about it in August 2019 […]

6 months ago

[…] Andrew Bridgen, UK MP […]

3 months ago

[…] [Related: MP says Covid-19 is a Manufactured Bioweapon and Security Services knew about it in August 2019] […]