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Baroness Hallet’s Covid Inquiry is a waste of time and money; here’s what we should be doing

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After a few months of the Hallett pantomime, we are quite clear what the Inquiry is not about evidence-based policy, Dr. Tom Jefferson and Prof. Carl Heneghan wrote. “Let’s stop wasting money in media circuses and engage in science.”

One person is overseeing the proceedings of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry: Baroness Heather Hallett, a former Court of Appeal judge.  As her biases toward protecting and maintaining the official covid narrative and in so doing ignoring evidence become increasingly apparent, more and more people are questioning what role the Covid-19 inquiry is actually playing.

In 2020, Reuters reported that the Inquiry was on track to cost more than £200 million.  In August 2022, before the Inquiry had even begun hearings, it had agreed to 22 contracts with 18 different private firms worth a total of £85.3 million.

The public hearings began in June. The accounts up to September 2023 show that the cost of the lumbering investigation had already ballooned to £56 million, The Spectator reported. Adding that the Inquiry is paying out £19.6 million to keep 62 barristers, including 12 King’s Counsels (“KCs”), and a team of solicitors on the books. Another £11 million has then gone towards legal representation for key participants in the hearings. As this army of lawyers is clearly not enough to keep the show on the road, the Inquiry has hired another 118 civil servants as well, who have cost the public purse £7 million.

In the article below, Dr. Jefferson and Prof. Heneghan demonstrate what the Covid Inquiry should be examining and what the UK should be doing if it was following best practices in its response to covid or any other respiratory disease.

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Why the Hallett Inquiry Should Be Halted Now

By Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan

The obsequiousness to modellers, distortions of the precautionary principle, character assassinations, Teflon flip flops and swear words are ample evidence that the UK taxpayers are being taken for a ride.

Next time will be worse: the precedent for depriving citizens of their civil rights, abandoning the elders and muzzling entire populations on the basis of no evidence and no real expertise has been set.

We have received many public and private messages of support, and we think the time has come to stop the media circus and get down to answering why evidence was ignored, why gaps were filled with models and Hancockisms and why we did not fill the evidence void with clinical trials designed to answer urgent questions. We still have time, and that is what we should be doing now, not tomorrow, but now. To paraphrase the head of WHO: test, test, test. Dr Tedros was referring to PCR, which, when mismanaged, distorted everyone’s perception of the threat. He now should repeat the phrase to refer to plugging the many gaps in our knowledge.

It seems that even Private Eye’s MD shares this view: 

Our readers know how far the UK was from best practice based on personal experience and what they have read in Trust the Evidence.

However, rather than going on about the Hallett Inquiry and its biased chair, let’s look at what could be done NOW to prepare humanity for the possible ravages of whichever next respiratory agent.

We have documented the prominent role played by nosocomial infection with SARS-CoV-2 found in up to 40% of people admitted for reasons other than covid.

retrospective study using data from 2015 to 2021 was conducted in a paediatric hospital in the USA, looking at the effects of a bundle of interventions against hospital-acquired respiratory infections.

They report a 68% decrease in infection over the period using caregiver screening, symptom-based isolation, personal protective equipment, hand hygiene, staff illness procedures, and monitoring of environmental cleanliness. All these measures were enhanced when the pandemic started. 

The infection decrease is marked, but it is what you would expect from an observational study. However, this mix of interventions has yet to be tested in randomised trials. Some may work, but we don’t know which ones and by how much.  

The forthcoming influenza and respiratory viral theme park season is near and would provide an ideal testing ground to advance science and knowledge. Alternatively, good old rhinovirus is always on hand. The US researchers found that: 

Many treat this RNA agent with contempt, perhaps because no licensed remedies exist. However, rhinovirus is always present and circulating with peaks of up to 35-40% positivity in surveillance, creating epidemics without apparent seasonal patterns. It also likes to coinfect, so it is a menace. Like most respiratory viruses, the illness is mostly mild, but it can cause serious pathologies, especially in those with asthma or chronic obstructive airways disease and also can reinfect people who had recently been infected by a different serotype (there are over 150 rhinovirus serotypes). So, it is the near-perfect proxy for respiratory viruses as targets for preventive physical interventions. 

Activists tried to obstruct the carrying out of research trials to fill the evidence gaps during the pandemic and partly succeeded in creating a climate of intimidation.

However, they would have a difficult time objecting to such a design on ethical grounds as the comparator would be current practice. So, if testing bundles is unethical because “blood would be on the hands of testers,” what could they say of current practice: rivers of blood running everywhere?

If we are willing to educate ourselves rather than submit to the will of influencers and activists, we may learn some valuable lessons.

We could do all sorts of trials with different packages or bundles of measures, and it would probably cost a lot less than the KCs fees for the rest of the Inquiry and infinitely less than the 37 or so billion wasted on mass testing or the equivalent stolen from the exchequer by criminals. It also might educate some folk about science and the progressive accumulation of knowledge.

Once again, do write to your MPs, as now is the time. 

About the Authors

Carl Heneghan is a professor of Evidence-based Medicine at the University of Oxford, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (“CEBM”) and NHS Urgent Care general practitioner (“GP”) who regularly appears in the media. Tom Jefferson is a clinical epidemiologist and a Senior Associate Tutor at the University of Oxford.  Together they write articles on a Substack page titled ‘Trust the Evidence’.

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5 months ago

It’s all ‘Smoke and Mirrors’; Distract, diversion, re-direct attention…Create an APPEARANCE of ‘Something being done’ for the purpose of ‘Keeping the Natives calm’ while The City of London Central Banker Family Cartel and Crown Corporation with the CCP/China and U.S. Coastal Establishment loyal to them are in the path to blame their evil on as the Top of the Hierarchy of Evil.


Reply to  Robbi
5 months ago

EVERY Municipal Corporate Government masquerading a false presumption of authority, WILL and ARE crumbling. Councils, both local and on a County level, WILL also crumble. These domestic terrorists WILL fail and crumble because of their misdemeanours and system frauds that they have carried out against their employers to satiate their unbridled greed and a pursuit of power they were never given any authority to garner.
Prepare accordingly.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Robbi
5 months ago

Hi Robbi,
Any idea how the Masonic City of London came into being.
Another Country within a Country.

5 months ago

Viruses obsession. The more you tell a child about a thing, the more he will ignore you.

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
5 months ago

Wasting public money should have very severe consequences.

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
5 months ago

It does periodically. That is only when one turns away from “groupthink”, which is standard operating procedure for government institutions. Then an example will be made against this non team player.
I do disagree with the author on the point of writing your MP or congressperson. It does absolutely no good since they don’t care what you think. It may even put you on a list as being an undesirable for questioning their brilliance.

5 months ago

saying it again , big stick rope & lamp post

5 months ago

They’re just mocking “we the people”, what else did anyone expect?

5 months ago

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Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
5 months ago

No government inquiry is going to fix this and comical that people believe this. And don’t believe elections will get you out of this now.

Only 1 MP in parliament out of 650 is actually trying to get at the truth.

Dr. Peter McCullough Unveils Bad News for Recently-Vaccinated Individuals

This is definitely worth listening too … especially on how the heart is damaged and only visible with a PET scan for all the vaxxed. I would suggest they all go and demand a PET scan from their doctor if they are vaxxed to see if it detects anomalies in their hearts.

Reply to  Mark Deacon
5 months ago

If you are speaking in regards to Andrew Bridgen, I suggest you take the time to delve deeper into his Masonic ties.
“When the people seek a saviour, we will give them one”.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  john
5 months ago

Hi john,
Have you any more information on Andrew and his masonic ties.

Reply to  Dave Owen
5 months ago

Using the Brave browser, enter “Andrew Bridgen freemason”.

Reply to  Dave Owen
5 months ago

Another one who is not what he portrays.

5 months ago

Its main task is to stall the setting up of an inquiry that will not whitewash the facts or fudge the statistics. I have no confidence in this travesty of an inquiry that has no real interest in getting to the truth.

5 months ago

A response to Mark Sexton’s letter to Charlie fat fingers.
Those with eyes to see and ears to hear, will come to the conclusion that Mr Sexton is a “plant” sowing misdirection.

5 months ago

To this day, the Bar Association is still registered as a theatrical company.
A group of “Merrie Men” that write “Acts” for actors to pass off as legislation.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
5 months ago

Criminals exonerated the criminals.
Would be funny if not so serious.
People have been democided by their governments..

5 months ago

The purpose of the enquiry is to show governments can’t handle a pandemic, or any other ’emergency’ like ‘climate change’. This will usher in the revised IHR and we will be controlled by the WHO.