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Covid vaccines as the cause of myocarditis in newborns must be investigated urgently

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Can a woman who takes the covid mRNA injection during pregnancy or after birth harm her baby? Yes. 

Vaccinating the mother vaccinates the baby in the womb. And, infants get the mother’s vaccine-induced antibodies through breast milk. Additionally, the mRNA spike protein is in the placenta and breast milk.

In response to the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) stating that a cluster of cases of myocarditis in the UK is being investigated by authorities in the UK, Dr. Paul Alexander has issued a stark warning to pregnant women and mothers with nursing infants. “Pregnant women must take this very seriously,” he said.

On Tuesday, WHO issued an alert that there had been a rise in “severe myocarditis” in newborns and infants in England and Wales. WHO claimed the myocarditis cases were linked to enterovirus infections as confirmed by positive enterovirus PCR tests.

“[For WHO or anyone else] to conclude that this is likely due to enterovirus infection would be reckless and would continue the pattern of covering up the dramatic harmful effects of the covid gene injection and especially the mRNA technology-based gene injection platform. If health authorities want trust, they have to place the role of the covid vaccine on the table,” wrote Dr. Alexander.

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Can a woman who is pregnant and takes the COVID mRNA technology-based gene injection DURING pregnancy or AFTER birth harm the infant? Yes!

By Dr. Paul Alexander

mRNA from the mother’s vaccine can harm the infant in utero (in the uterus) as well as soon after birth and this cannot be taken off the table to help explain this surge in infant myocarditis (in newborns). This has to be investigated urgently for the child is at risk for the full range of pathology seen in adults and teens etc. paralysis, pericarditis, stroke, brain bleeds, cardiac arrest etc.

Pregnant women must take this very seriously and weigh the benefits and risks to the baby in utero before taking any such covid vaccine. Demand that your doctor examine the benefits and harms.

Importantly, the infant’s natural innate immune system – innate antibodies and natural killer cells (“NK”) – is overlooked and this first line of defence is developing and immature yet still broadly protective. There is a window of training that the innate antibodies must be allowed in the child as the maternal antibodies wane and to do this, they must bind to the virus so as to learn how to handle them. This protects the child yet the high specificity, high-affinity covid vaccine-induced antibodies will outcompete the innate antibodies for the target antigen (spike protein).

This subversion of the innate antibodies will leave them “untrained” and thus they will be unable to properly educate the innate immune system and larger immune response on:

  1. how to handle pathogens the infant/child is confronted with NOW;
  2. how to handle pathogens (glycosylated viruses etc. like measles, mumps, rubella, RSV, rotavirus etc.) in the future as the maternal antibodies wane and also the innate antibodies; and,
  3. how to educate the natural killer cells in differentiating self from non-self components of the child and this will leave the child susceptible to auto-immune diseases. The child will be damaged for life.

Covid vaccine-induced antibodies in the mother and thus the child will and could damage the training of the child’s innate immune system – innate antibodies and natural killer cells – and this is catastrophic for a young child. In short, an infant or young child should not be exposed to covid vaccine-induced antibodies – from the mother or themselves being vaccinated – until they have gotten their full series (prime and booster) for glycosylated pathogens (viruses) that share similar surface antigen, sugars, glycans etc.

Be warned. Mothers, ask your doctor about what I wrote above.

As I have written before, we must get accountability and justice and we do not stop until we get all involved with these covid fraud injections into a proper courtroom with proper judges.

About the Author

Paul Elias Alexander, PhD, is a researcher in evidence-based medicine, research methodology, and clinical epidemiology. He is a former Assistant Professor at McMaster University in evidence-based medicine, a former Covid Pandemic evidence-synthesis advisor to WHO-PAHO and a former Senior Advisor to Covid Pandemic policy in the US Health and Human Services (HHS). He has also worked at WHO as a Regional Specialist/Epidemiologist in Europe’s Regional Office in Denmark.  He regularly writes articles on his Substack page which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

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11 months ago

As long as there is no investigation we can be 99,999% sure it’s the poisonous jabs that caused this.

It’s nice if prove come to make it the full 100,000%.

Ellie Car
Ellie Car
Reply to  Petra
11 months ago

No they will never look into that, if they did and it came back as the main cause, can you imagine the amount of claims from mothers who were coerced and basically forced into getting them, and their baby is severely damaged as a result. There is no way, people wouldn’t uprise so they know they can’t test this to see if it’s the cause. I find it really hard to comprehend why a pregnant or nursing mum would even consider getting it, they are not even allowed to eat or drink about a thousand different things or take anyother form of medication, so why would they take this it’s totally insane!

Reply to  Ellie Car
11 months ago

Given the science demonstrating harms caused by other childhood jabbs, I don’t see parents uprising when they end up with a damaged child and destroyed lives. What would be any different about this particular jabby?

11 months ago

I wonder if a woman who was vaxxed and boosted in 2021 and 2022 and now became pregnant, if results would be the same. Are they forever tainted and are more prone to delivering an unhealthy or sick baby? What a chance to take.

Ellie Car
Ellie Car
Reply to  Augustus
11 months ago

We won’t know the answer to that, but is it worth the risk? Personally I don’t think it is a risk I would consider. I’m past the pregnancy time now, but my daughter isn’t she has a 6 yr old, and had a recent miscarriage, I didn’t think the vaccine had anything to do with her losing the baby as she claimed she hadn’t took any vaccines, but I just found out that she had took them, losing the baby 1 wk later, but she claimed it was coincidence and now I’ve just found out she took my 6 yr old grandson for them he’s had 2 vaccines. To say im extremely upset & angry with her is an understatement

Reply to  Ellie Car
11 months ago

I’m sorry. Upset and angry is natural. Pray for them and love them as always is about all you can do.

Ellie Car
Ellie Car
Reply to  Augustus
11 months ago

Thanks Augustus, Yes it is natural I suppose and it was a shock finding out, I thought she understood the dangers of them, I’ve certainly went on enough about it, and gave her real data from real doctors and scientists, but of course she is an adult and I can’t dictate to her, so I’m really trying not to be angry with her, what’s done is done, but I just can’t stop worrying especially for my grandson who didn’t get a say in it. But your right prayer is all thats left to do now. I just hope she doesn’t live to regret her decision 😔

Reply to  Ellie Car
11 months ago

An “understatement” I am sure-this is so very sad to read, but thankyou for sharing it.

Reply to  Ellie Car
11 months ago

It was predicted back in 2020 by Medical Scientists – one in particular – who said that the placenta and uterus would de-bond and a miscarriage result.

11 months ago

[…] – Covid vaccines as the cause of myocarditis in newborns must be investigated urgently […]