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The state capture of UK corporate media and how journalists that abandoned Julian Assange have “slit their own throats”

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The failure by journalists to mount a campaign to free Julian Assange, or expose the vicious smear campaign against him, is one more catastrophic and self-defeating blunder by the news media.

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The following are excerpts from the article ‘Journalists Abandoned Julian Assange and Slit Their Own Throats’ written by Chris Hedges.  Read the full article HERE.

The persecution of Julian Assange, along with the climate of fear, wholesale government surveillance and use of the Espionage Act to prosecute whistle-blowers, has emasculated investigative journalism. The press has not only failed to mount a sustained campaign to support Julian, whose extradition appears imminent, but no longer attempts to shine a light into the inner workings of power. This failure is not only inexcusable, but ominous.

The US government, especially the military and agencies such as the CIA, the FBI, the NSA and Homeland Security, have no intention of stopping with Julian, who faces 170 years in prison if found guilty of violating 17 counts of the Espionage Act. They are cementing into place mechanisms of draconian state censorship, some features of which were exposed by Matt Taibbi in the Twitter Files, to construct a dystopian corporate totalitarianism. 

Julian has not been sentenced in this case for a crime. He is charged under the Espionage Act, although he is not a US citizen and WikiLeaks is not a US-based publication. The UK courts, which have engaged in what can only be described as a show trial, appear ready to turn him over to the US once his final appeal, as we expect, is rejected. This could happen in a matter of days or weeks.

On 6 July at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Stella Assange, an attorney who is married to Julian, Matt Kennard, co-founder and chief investigator of Declassified UK, and Chris Hedges examined the collapse of the press, especially with regard to Julian’s case. You can watch their discussion below.

Consortium News: Censorship & Blacklists: Chris Hedges, Stella Assange & Matt Kennard, 6 July 2023 (104 mins)

When Julian and WikiLeaks released the secret diplomatic cables and Iraq War logs, which exposed numerous US war crimes, including torture and the murder of civilians, corruption, diplomatic scandals, lies and spying by the US government, the commercial media had no choice but to report the information. Julian and WikiLeaks shamed them into doing their job. But, even as they worked with Julian, organisations such as The New York Times and The Guardian were determined to destroy him. He threatened their journalistic model and exposed their accommodation with the centres of power.

“They hated him,” Matt said of the corporate media reporters and editors. “They went to war with him immediately after those releases. I was working for The Financial Times in Washington in late 2010 when those releases happened. The reaction of the office at The Financial Times was one of the major reasons I got disillusioned with the mainstream media.”

The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, El Pais and Der Spiegel, all of which published WikiLeaks documents provided by Julian, published a joint open letter on 28 November 2022 calling on the US government “to end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets.”  But the demonisation of Julian, which these publications helped to foster, had already been accomplished.

Matt went on the describe the corporate media as “a very insidious system.” 

“There has been something really sinister that has happened in the last twenty years, particularly at The Guardian,” he said. “The Guardian is just state-affiliated media.”

[Little known and rarely discussed by the media establishment, Britain has for decades maintained the highly secretive Defence and Security Media Advisory (“DSMA”) Committee, which imposes a very British form of censorship on the press. It decides which subjects and events can be reported on, and how, in a chivalrous yet fundamentally dishonest manner.]

[According to Declassified UK, representatives from the broadcasters ITV, BBC, and Sky News are part of the committee. “The managing editor of The Times and Sunday Times and the deputy editor of The Telegraph” are present as well.]

[Often the Committee issues D-notices as an official request to journalists not to publish or broadcast particular information on subjects related to national security, or ask for the removal of certain details from reporting on supposedly sensitive topics. Read more HERE.]

The D-notice committee, Matt explained, is composed of journalists and state security officials in the UK who meet every six months. They discuss what journalists can and can’t publish. The committee sends out regular advisories.

The Guardian ignored advisories not to publish the revelations of illegal mass surveillance released by Edward Snowden. Finally, under intense pressure, including threats by the government to shut the paper down, The Guardian agreed to permit two Government Communication Headquarters (“GCHQ”) officials to oversee the destruction of the hard drives and memory devices that contained material provided by Snowden. The GCHQ officials on 20 July 2013 filmed three Guardian editors as they destroyed laptops with angle grinders and drills.

The deputy editor of The Guardian, Paul Johnson – who was in the basement during the destruction of the laptops – was appointed to the D-notice committee. He served at the D-notice committee for four years. In his last committee meeting, Johnson was thanked for “re-establishing links” between the committee and The Guardian.

Featured image: Julian Assange has been under arrest since 2010 for his role in the “cablegate” leak that exposed human rights abuses by the US government (right).  Source: London exhibition supporting Wikileaks whistleblower Julian Assange

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Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
10 months ago

I trust they fry in hell.

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
10 months ago

Your naive The alternative mefia are just as deceived most of the time Damned lies and statistics. “never trust anyone” Queen Mum said and that’s your best advice you’ll ever hear Don’t believe anything you haven’t seen or heard or felt or touched yourself and even then remember “Nothing is what it seems” QE2
They just spin the alternative like left and right hands of the sane head.

M. Dowrick
M. Dowrick
10 months ago

I stopped reading or listening to the MSM three years ago. Huw edwards, a bbc talking head, has recently been accused of something to do,with photos of a drug addict. The story is so unclear, I cannot think he is being framed. I personally believe he was about to blow the whistle on the bbc for the suppression and banning and lies they told over the past three years. The poor guy has been put in hospital with “mental issues” according to his wife, a bbc employee. None of this makes sense. We are seeing with each passing day, the Uk, USA and other countries are NO different from police states.

Reply to  M. Dowrick
10 months ago

Certainly, I’d like to believe Edwards “was about to blow the whistle”.
You’re right about “none of this makes sense.”

Reply to  M. Dowrick
10 months ago

I agree and think the same way – something is not right about the whole sham of a thing – he’s one of the ‘mature’ older ones of the MSM and must of known what an absolute sham the BBC have become – probably realising he cannot go on with it any longer and may have talked and trusted in the ‘wrong’ person
I believe this was a ‘threat’ to him to keep quiet

Reply to  vaboon
10 months ago

What rubbish are talking, “become”??? Where have you been for the last 50 years everyone’s known they were iin bed with the likes of Saville?

Reply to  M. Dowrick
10 months ago

You people don’t know Only Australians know the truth about the Assange Family His parents put him into a CULT here when he was a child about 9 I think called the CULT OF THE WHITE HAIRED KIDS by the locals in regional NSW or Vic where it was hidden out in the Bush
It was weird the kids all had to have white hair Not blonde but white. And it was run by a very strange English lady who when it all got expused as being an anti democratic anti government training ground for subvervise shot through back to England.
Your played for suckers and you don’t know it Your naive and get led like sheep, deceived bu OMMISSIONS .
It got wxposed here in a documentary and by 60 minutes Australia I think it was.years and years ago so most people would have forgotten But you never even knew.

Reply to  M. Dowrick
10 months ago

The whole world America is still the least actually despite what you think you know.

Reply to  M. Dowrick
10 months ago

As for the BBC guy last night here it was retaking news that his wife said he was guilty as charged.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

breaking news but that was a week old show from Sonia paulson on brand new tube

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

My opinion is guilty as charge. The BBC is full of them. Wsn’t there another recent case – Tim Westwood?

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

They are everywhere and it’s not just the BBC that runs cover ups.

“The Archbishop of York last night admitted the Church of England had failed in its attempt to set up a clergy abuse watchdog” – and why he the author said “clergy abuse” rather then child abuse? Is that an example of sneaky language to hide the truth?

Reply to  M. Dowrick
10 months ago

That’s a big mistake because you need to know what they’re saying too. Thinking your too clever for them is foolish and childish.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  M. Dowrick
10 months ago

Alex Belfield used to expose a lot of goings on at the BBC. Of course they labelled him a conspiracy theorist. I suspect the the jury were swayed by the fame of Jeremy Vine and so Belfeied is no in prison. Several barristers have pointed out the injustice of jailing Belfield for so long, his sentences were made consecutive rather than concurrent, which is rare. The state was out to get him for being a truther.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  M. Dowrick
10 months ago

Is your opinion being influenced by years of listening to Edwards and having trust in him, and so you can’t accept the truth of what he has done? His wife admitted it. The BBC is trying to turn him into the victim. They are playing the sympathy card. The idea of him being in a hospital for mental issues reminds me of Harry Thaw who murdered Stanford White in full view of a restaurant full of people (see “The Girl In The Red Velvet Swing” starring Joan Collins who play Evelyn Nesbitt, the girl in the case). Thaw was known to be a violent thug and a bully, and the murder was done in front of dozens of witnesses, but his great wealth kept him out of prison because he got doctors to say that he was mentally ill.

The BBC is full of people who should be in jail. Alex Belfield, an ex-BBC employee told the world about many of them. Did you know that a BBC-employed barrister even lied and falsified documents to get Belfield jailed. She has now been struck off and is banned for life from practising law, but it shows the lengths the BBC will go to to protect those who ought to be in the dock.

My opinion – Edwards has been caught out -guilty.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
10 months ago

Re: “The Girl In The Red Velvet Swing” starring Joan Collins who play Evelyn Nesbitt, the girl in the case” – it was a real life case not just a film.

An area of New York is known as “The Great White Way” because most of the buildings were designed by Stanford White. The last time I looked, the Wikipedia page for Stanford White didn’t mention “The Great White Way” – not allowed to call anything white.

10 months ago

Sorry wrong Julian knew he was breaking SERIOUS National security laws He decided that his morality over rode the rule of law because he believed he was an experienced military historian a constitutional lawyer a secret service operative etc etc of such superior knowledge that he could just break the law with impunity . He knew documents he had been given were in fact stolen were mot for public release at that stage , but hecwentbah3ad and published them He was entrapped outsmarted played like a loser and his layabout lawyer left him to fall straight into the pit .

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

i think its the US that broke laws.. he exposed!! wake up anonymous.. you wont show your id , that tells all of us here ,that support assange

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago
10 months ago

They are now quite open about their agenda. DEPOPULATION, depopulation and more depopulation.

10 months ago

I wonder how the msm journalists see themselves? Unless they are lacking any intelligence at all, they must realise they are lying to the public because they have no journalistic integrity. That seems to have been bought by the establishment. Do they think that they will be allowed to join the elite few that want to rule the world? I’m afraid they will be discarded after they are no longer needed.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
10 months ago
Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
10 months ago

In the video, Matt Kennard from Declassified tells of the CIA plot to assassinate Julian Assange on British soil. Did the corrupt BBC report it or did they cover it up? They reported it, there was no BBC cover up – they reported it on BBC Somali and it was written in Somali. The Tactic – report it where it can’t be found, then, if they are accused of not reporting it, “Oh but we did. There was no cover up”.  Hidden in plain sight.

Here it is – “Julian Assange: Nin ay Mareykanka aad u raadinayeen oo ay ‘CIA damacday inay London ka qafaalato'”

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